Open the FireFox Browser on the ViewTouch 'Planet Earth Blue Marble Desktop'.
If you see a Dialog 'Authentication Required', select 'OK'.
User is root and password is vtpos.
You may see something like this > socket://
If so, click on it, write the IP Address down, then
'Name' should be a word, easy to remember, which describes the type of job the printer is to be assigned; receipt, kitchen, bar, hotline, coldline. (No Spaces)
'Description' can be a reference to the model of the printer, Bixolon SRP 330.
'Location' can be a reference to where the printer is located, such as Front Counter, Service Line, Hostess Station One.
Let's test now...
Move the mouse cursor over 'Maintenance' and select
If the printer produces a test pattern then GREAT!
Under Queue Names one sees a list of the printers defined for your system and the corresponding Queue Names for the types of jobs your printer(s) can do in ViewTouch.
to see its Connection Information (USB or IP Address)
If you have a written list of Queue Names and IP Addresses, close the Browser and run ViewTouch.
Logon as Editor and Proceed to 'Configuration' > 'Add Displays & Printers'.