ViewTouch is the world's only enterprise class point of sale software which runs on GNU Linux and which makes all of its source code available to you. Linux is the platform around which innovative people are building the next generation of computing hardware and solutions.  The most exciting software applications, programming languages and development frameworks are built on Linux; it's the most versatile and reliable platform for emerging technology products and services.  We can be very thankful that Linux and a broad range of freely available software, including the ViewTouch development framework and point of sale software.

ViewTouch is guaranteed to be free of Point of Sale 'MalWare'; data thieves only target POS systems which use Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Collectively, MalWare drivers inject malicious code into the following processes: csrss.exe, winlogon.exe, credit.exe, explorer.exe, services.exe, iexplore.exe, firefox.exe, lsass.exe.  NONE of these are in use on ViewTouch POS systems, so there is no threat to ViewTouch, no risk in using it.

 In July, 2015, Microsoft made Windows 10 available.  In view of this we want it to be known that there are fundamental differences between using GNU Linux and using Windows 10.  We think you will be very glad that you have a Point of Sale option which uses Linux and 'X' instead of the various versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems as its operating system.  Why?  Microsoft is spying on almost everything you do; it grants itself very broad rights to collect information about virtually everything its users do, say and write on their computers and uses that information to sell more targeted advertising or to sell your data to third parties.  By the way, the US Government can activate backdoors on Windows computers on demand, but can not do this on Linux computers.

Here's Microsoft's Privacy Statement which explains some of what you agree to allow Microsoft to do when you use Windows 10 as your operating system. Microsoft requires agreement to Software License Terms which are very difficult to find online.  Microsoft apparently doesn't want the Software License Terms to be read by anyone except someone who has already purchased and is about to install Windows 10.  Perhaps Microsoft sees it as disadvantageous to the company if everyone reads and reflects upon the Software License Terms before purchasing Windows 10.  Microsoft's Windows 10 Software License Terms can be read here.

In clause 7b, under 'Updates to the Services or Software, and Changes to These Terms': "Sometimes you'll need softwareupdates to keep using the Services.  We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices.  You may also be required to update the software to continue using the Services." When your operating system is GNU Linux and 'X' there is no such agreement.  There is no Privacy Statement which outlines the ways in which one surrenders one's privacy to a company.  There are no Software License Terms that one must agree to and follow or allow which further diminishes one's rights and which lists obligations one has to a company.  There is no corporation behind GNU Linux, no company gathering information about you and how you use your computer so that it can make a profit by selling this information to other companies.  When you use GNU Linux, no one is spying; no one has required us to surrender any of our rights.

So Windows 10 isn't exactly free to buy or use, then, is it?  That's why ViewTouch chose Linux and 'X' nearly 20 years ago; because it IS FREE to buy and to use.

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